Fight churn.

Find out who is predicted to churn when, determine what might make them stay, andcommunicate at the right time with the right content.

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Adobe Commerce

Identify at-risk customers.

  • Get churn predictions for each customer based on your brand's DNA
  • Detect early which customers are at risk before it is too late
  • Build at-risk segments and synchronize them with your marketing stack

Prevent customer churn.

  • Analyze your at-risk segments to understand their behavior and individual needs
  • Derive actions and offers from previous successful customer journeys
  • Initiate relevant interactions with your customers and reduce the risk of churn

Win back lost customers.

  • Determine which of your lost customers were of high value to your brand
  • Personalize recovery strategies with ideal offers
  • Maximize LTV with the help of these high-spending customers

Proven by success.

Less Churn
More Reactivations
LTV Increase
We analyzed how customers performed before and after using RetentionX for 12 months. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.

See RetentionX in action.

RetentoinX Tour Video
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